Monday, September 22, 2008

Short Post ... Long Overdue

Heh, well so much for staying on top of the blogging part of this whole operation. I have been doing my readings however. Don't fret all you faithful blog followers (I know you're out there somewhere ... right?), information is coming. It's hard to get through all the political rhetoric and finish my English paper on time. I'm doing the best I can people!! So Mo, lay off me man.

So far, this is what I can tell you about McCain's and Obama's plans to fix our economy:
  • um ... they want to make it gooder.
Haha, really I don't know what they are saying. I still have to take notes (but the things are highlighted!) This is what I can tell you about HOW McCain and Obama phrased their plans to fix the economy.
  • Obama was very specific in how much he was going to spend to make it better and where that money was going to come from (read:big oil's profits)
  • McCain was pretty vague, but he talked about a lot of reforms as well as using some money to fix the whole thing
  • Obama talked about doing everything with Biden, like they were going to be joined at the hip one they got into office. Everything was phrased "Obama and Biden will do this ... Obama and Biden will change that ...", it was sweet but I doubt that Biden will have much to do with it. I mean really, what does the VP do anyway? (Yay! That is going to be the topic of an upcoming post. I just decieded that right now.)
  • McCain, in the parts that I've read so far, never talks about doing anything with Palin. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? You decide.
And so folks, there you have it. I promise that I will have some real comentary on the platforms in a few days. School has hit a fast pace the last few days so ... there's that.


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